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Ampol Cootamundra Closure

We wish to advise that the Ampol Cootamundra site, located at 26 Hovell St is closing and will therefore no longer be able to accept

Ampol Lake Albert Rd, Wagga Wagga

Ampol Lake Albert Rd, Wagga Wagga – Site Rebrand We wish to inform our customers that the Ampol Wagga Lake Rd site, located at 7

Report finds 0% Gender pay gap

What is the gender pay gap?   The gender pay gap is a measure of how we value the contribution of men and women in

Renmark Depot

Dear Customer, As a valued customer of TASCO Petroleum, we wish to inform you that the Ampol Depot located at 52 Twenty First St Renmark,

Curlewis St, Swan Hill

Dear Customer, As a valued customer of TASCO Petroleum, we wish to inform you that the Ampol Curlewis St 24hr unmanned OPT, will permanently cease

Wyndham St, Shepparton

Dear Customer, As a valued customer of TASCO Petroleum, we wish to inform you that the Ampol Wyndham St service station, located at Wyndham St

ULP Drum Filling

SAFETY ALERT   Upon review of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code edition 7.8 we found that under Section “Dangerous goods of Class or Subsidiary

Mallee Machinery Field Days

Come and see us at the Mallee Machinery Field Days on the 2nd and 3rd of August, 2023.   We will have a range of

Bordertown OPT Product Changes

We would like to advise that as of 27/7/2023, Amplify 98 Premium unleaded will no longer beavailable on the forecourt at our Bordertown Depot via

Cyber Security

As we’re all aware there has been an increase in Cyber-Security ‘events’ and in particular scams recently. A particular scam that concerns your communication with

July 2023 Lubricants Price Increase

We are writing to inform our customers due to new government legislation that we are anticipating a price increase across all lubricants. This will be